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Artifact Donations


The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum (ASHFM) recognizes sport excellence, preserves sport history, and educates the public on the contribution of sports to Alberta's history. In order to be able to achieve our mission we welcome and, in fact, rely on the donation of sport artifacts and archival material from our Honoured Members and their families, teams, fans, and members of the general public.


If you own an object, document, or photograph related to Alberta's sport history, we would like to hear from you. The ASHFM appreciates your interest in helping to preserve this valuable history, as well as expanding our permanent, and educational display collections.


As a not-for-profit corporation and registered charity, the ASHFM is able to issue income tax receipts for qualifying artifact donations.



If you have material(s) that you would like to donate to our collection feel free to contact us by email: or by scheduling an in-person meeting at the ASHFM. In order for us to better assist you please call 403-341-8614 to book an appointment with our Collections & Exhibit Coordinator.


Please gather the following information to help us assess your prospective donation:

  • A photograph of the item(s) or, for an in-person visit, bring the item(s) with you;

  • A brief description of the item(s), including its dimensions;

  • Information about the history, age, and origin of the item(s);

  • Your story of how you obtained the item(s); and

  • Your name, address, daytime phone number, and email address

Providing all the above information to us through email in advance of an in-person visit will allow the curator to cross-check the collection for any duplications or gaps in the collection.


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